Internship Portfolio
ADST Work Samples
This is Episode 8 of ADST's Cold War Podcast. I collaborated with Tristan Ruddy and James Fowler on this episode. My duty was to normalize the audio by using EQ and other audio effects and add the intro and outro theme music.
This is an episode of ADST's In Their Own Voices that is still in progress. At the beginning of the summer, I recieved this audio to work on to reintegrate all of the host's lines. Her audio was originally very poor, so she rerecorded her lines and I put the episode back in order.
Career Readiness Course Samples
This is a file compiled of all seven career readiness module worksheets I have completed. The worksheets make up for all 24 pages on this document. The courses consisted of informational videos and presentations on the topics provided.
This is the Capstone reflection paper I wrote as part of my final for my career readiness course. I was prompted to write 1,000-1,250 words refelcting upon my internship experience.
This is another eportfolio I was assigned to make as part of a final requirement for my career readiness course. It has information about me, copies of my work samples, resume, and experience. It is much like this website, but on a different platform.
Media Management Course Sample
This is the brochure for my group's business proposal as a final requirement for my media management class. I partnered with Damilola Kehinde, Andriana Guth-Borowski, and Alex Allegra to conduct this business plan.