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Writing Samples

The Bundle of Sticks Shot List

This shot list was created as part of my COMM 150- Media Aesthetics class in Spring 2021. I worked with 4 other classmates on this shot list, and it was used to film and edit the short film we created.

The Bundle of Sticks Script

This script was written by myself and four other group members in COMM 150- Media Aesthetics in Spring 2021. It was used for the short film that we created in this class.

Ravenwood Manor Commercial Script

This script was written for an audio project in my Audio Techniques class in Fall 2021. I decided to make a radio ad for one of my favorite haunted houses.

Media Criticism Paper

I wrote this Media Criticism paper for Dr. Muchtar's Gender in Media class in Fall 2020. In this paper, I chose a show to analyze and identified how the show represents gender in the media.

Informative Speech Transcript

This is a transcript copy of a speech I have delivered for Dr. Lauber's Presentation Making class in Fall 2020. I was prompted to prepare an informative speech, and I chose to deliver a speech about the dangers of alcohol.

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